Documentation for SSIMLoss.
— Methodssim(x, y, kernel=ssim_kernel(x); peakval=1, crop=true, dims=:)
Return the structural similarity index measure (SSIM) between two signals. SSIM is computed via the mean of a sliding window of statistics computed between the two signals. By default, the sliding window is a Gaussian with side-length 11 in each signal dimension and σ=1.5. crop=false
will pad x
and y
such that the sliding window computes statistics centered at every pixel of the input (via same-size convolution). ssim
computes statistics independently over channel and batch dimensions. x
and y
may be 3D/4D/5D tensors with channel and batch-dimensions.
is the standard for image comparisons, but in practice should be set to the maximum value of your signal type.
determines which dimensions to average the computed statistics over. If dims=1:ndims(x)-1
, SSIM will be computed for each batch-element separately.
The results of ssim
are matched against those of ImageQualityIndexes for grayscale and RGB images (i.e. x, y both of size (N1, N2, 1, B) and (N1, N2, 3, B) for grayscale and color images, resp.).
See also ssim_loss
, ssim_loss_fast
— Methodssim_kernel(T, N)
Return Gaussian kernel with σ=1.5 and side-length 11 for use in ssim
. Returned kernel will be N-2
dimensional of type T
— Methodssim_kernel(x::AbstractArray{T, N}) where {T, N}
Return Gaussian kernel with σ=1.5 and side-length 11 for use in ssim
. Returned array will be on the same device as x
— Methodssim_loss(x, y, kernel=ssim_kernel(x); peakval=1, crop=true, dims=:)
Computes 1 - ssim(x, y)
, suitable for use as a loss function with gradient descent. For faster training, it is recommended to store a kernel and reuse it, ex.,
kernel = ssim_kernel(Float32, 2) |> gpu
# or alternatively for faster computation
# kernel = ones(Float32, 5, 5, 1, num_channels) |> gpu
for (x, y) in dataloader
x, y = (x, y) .|> gpu
grads = gradient(model) do m
x̂ = m(y)
ssim_loss(x, x̂, kernel)
# update the model ...
See ssim
for a detailed description of SSIM and the above arguments. See also ssim_loss_fast
— Methodssim_loss_fast(x, y; kernel_length=5, peakval=1, crop=true, dims=:)
Computes ssim_loss
with an averaging kernel instead of a large Gaussian kernel for faster computation. kernel_length
specifies the averaging kernel side-length in each signal dimension of x, y. See ssim
for a detailed description of SSIM and the above arguments.
See also ssim_loss