∀1≤i≤N. \mathbf{x}[i] \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu, ~ \Sigma) \quad \forall \quad 1 \leq i \leq N. x[i]∼N(μ, Σ)∀1≤i≤N. Further, let x have the channel-wise vectorization x=[x1T,x2T,…,xCT]T. We can then write this via Kronecker product notation as
x∼N(μ⊗1N, Σ⊗IN). Now, consider a linear transformation y=Ax. We know from linearity of expectation that E[Ax]=AE[x]=A(μ⊗1N) and that Cov(Ax)=ACov(x)AH.
Further, consider a channel-wise unitary matrix, i.e. A=(IC⊗Q) where Q∈CN×N is unitary. The Kronecker notation here means that A is a block diagonal matrix with C blocks of Q on its diagonal. So, the mean and covariance of our transformed variable are
E[Ax]=(IC⊗Q)(μ⊗1N)Cov(Ax)=(IC⊗Q)(Σ⊗IN)(IC⊗Q)H The mixed-product property of Kronecker product tells us that, for sensible matrix sizes, (A⊗B)(C⊗D)=(AC⊗BD). Thus,
E[Ax]=(μ⊗Q1N)Cov(Ax)=(Σ⊗IN), as QQH=IN. For zero-mean Normally distributed noise, this results in the channel-wise unitary transform of said noise having the exact same distribution as before the transformation.
This is a particularly useful result in MRI, where the measurement domain is a C-channel (coil) Fourier domain contaminated by zero-mean additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), i.e. we model measurements (y∈CNC) of image (x∈CN) with coil sensitivity operator S∈CNC×N via
y=(IC⊗FN)Sx+v,v∼N(0, (Σ⊗IN)). where FN is the N-dimensional DFT matrix. Equivalently we can write y∼N((IC⊗FN)Sx, (Σ⊗IN)). As the DFT matrix is unitary, we know from the above discussion that the (multi-coil) image domain signal is contaminated with noise from the same distribution,
(IC⊗FNH)y∼N(Sx, (Σ⊗IN)).