Wednesdays 6-9pm, Fall 2023, 41 Cooper Sq. (NAB) rm 306
Instructor: Nikola Janjušević
Email: nikola dot janjusevic at cooper dot edu
Office Hours: Wednesdays 5-6pm (NAB rm 214) + by appointment
TA: Noam Schuck
Email: noam dot schuck at cooper dot edu
Office Hours: Wednesdays 1-2pm Junior-Lab (NAB)
Textbook: Digital Electronics: A Practical Approach with VHDL 9th edition, by Willian Kleitz, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011
Lab Safety (see MS-Teams)
Two's Complement, Thomas Finley, April 2000
7 Segment Displays, Terry Sturtevant, Wilfrid Laurier University, May 2017
Introduction to Driving LED Matrices, Application Note 1216, Avago Technologies
(08/30) Homework 1, due 09/13
(09/13) Project 1, due 10/04
(10/04) Homework 2, due 10/25
(10/18) Project 2, due 11/08, Logisim due 11/01
(11/08) Project 3, demo 12/13, report due 12/20
Proposal, due 11/15
progress update, (in-class) 12/06
(10/11) Midterm Exam
(10/25) Quiz 3
(11/29) Final Exam